Thanks to its many rare and vulnerable animal and plant species, Zuidhoek in the municipality of Nieuwkoop in the Netherlands is part of the Natura 2000 network. In 2011 the municipality decided to convert Zuidhoek into a residential area by building 89 houses after assessing the environmental impact this. The research showed that it is an important feeding area for some rare bat species.
The Netherlands

With the lighting design, the overall objective was to increase the quality of the darkness and I wanted to find the best light source to achieve that.

Customer challenge
The outcome of the research showed that it is an important feeding area for some rare bat species.
Therefore, before proceeding with the housing programme, the municipality had to put some conservation measures in place. This had to include lighting that would not disturb the nocturnal feeding and night-time activity of the bats.
The right lighting
"The key aspect of the project was to create a natural landscaping concept in which the housing programme does not impact local wildlife." said Robert Jan Vos, the Lighting Design Consultant who made the lighting plan for the residential area.
To ensure undisturbed night-time for the bat population living in Nieuwkoop, the municipality selected the dedicated Philips light recipe developed through extensive research together with the University of Wageningen and NGO’s active in the field. Both the colour and the wavelength were designed to ensure that bats can enjoy the night-time as if there was no artificial lighting in place, while ensuring good visibility for residents living in the area. Therefore, no compromise was made on safety.
To further optimise light levels, the municipality installed the Interact City remote light management system to ensure that light is only on when it’s needed.

Fully compliant with nature conservation objectives
The application of the dedicated light recipe supports the municipality’s housing programme in Zuidhoek, while enabling the creation of an ideal infrastructure that complies with the directives of Natura 2000.

Maximum flexibility and optimised efficiency
Enabled by the Interact City lighting management software, the municipality has complete flexibility to set up dimming schedules and an annual dimming calendar. These ensure that artificial lighting is only used when it’s needed, thereby optimising energy efficiency.

Creating a liveable space for all inhabitants
The new lighting solution ensures that bats living in the area are not disturbed by the colour and wavelength of artificial lighting. At the same time, it provides good visibility and an optimal sense of safety for residents.

Interact City
Interact City connected LED lighting system and management software provides you with a robust infrastructure to improve city services. Improve citizen safety, beautify public spaces, engage with citizens and encourage civic pride.

Mini 300 Stealth LED
Using the right light can hep protect valuable flora and fauna. The Mini 300 Stealth LED in combination with our bat-friendly lighting recipe is the perfect choice for road and residential area applications that want to leave nature undisturbed during the night-time.